Whole School Walk Out in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine

  • Mission possible and Wellbeing group made the pins and looked after the collection.

At 12.45 this afternoon a planned walk out of the whole school, students and staff, took place as a gesture of solidarity with the people of the Ukraine.  The school’s Amnesty International group organised the protest element, with signs displaying messages of support for the civilians of the Ukraine and the need to protect their human rights.  The school’s other social justice groups, Mission Possible, the Multicultural Society and the Well Being Committee organised the fundraising element for UNICEF in order to create a coordinated whole school approach intended to express our support and solidarity.   Thank you to our neighbour, the Australian Ambassador Gary Gray, for showing his support by joining us in our walk out.

Please click the pdf below to view an explanatory letter from the social justice groups.

If you would like to support the fundraiser please click this link Fundraiser for UNICEF Ukraine

Social Justice Groups Letter March 22