Trinity Walton STEM Easter Camp 1st and 2nd Years

Message from Trinity Walton Club:

Trinity Walton Club, the STEM Club at Trinity College Dublin, is opening the virtual doors to the 2021 Easter and Summer camps.

These 5-day camps are an ideal way for students to immerse themselves in STEM, work on meaningful STEM projects, and build connections with like-minded teens from all over Ireland.

Each camp’s sessions and activities are facilitated by Trinity’s undergraduate and postgraduate community and delivered live on Microsoft Teams.

The first camp, for 1st and 2nd-year students, kicks off on Monday 29th of March and there are currently 15 places left.

To join, students and parents must complete an online application form.

The fees are €120 for a 5-day camp and places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information on dates and eligibility visit our website.

To apply please click this link.
Trinity Walton Club

If you have any questions, our team is here to help.

Yours in STEM,

Trinity Walton Club Team