Critical Incident Management Policy

Critical Incident Management Policy

Loreto College St. Stephen’s Green aims to protect the well-being of its students and staff by providing a safe and nurturing environment at all times. This policy outlines the procedures to be taken in the event of a critical incident. For the purpose of this policy a critical incident is defined as “an incident or sequence of events that overwhelm the normal coping mechanism of the school”  (Responding to Critical Incidents-A Guideline for Schools: NEPS 2007)

This could include:

  • The death of a member of the school community
  • A serious accident involving a member of the school community
  • A traumatic event involving the school
  • A serious accident or tragedy in the wider community

The aim of the policy is to help the school community to react quickly and efficiently and to ensure that appropriate support is offered to students and staff. In the event of a critical incident occurring, the Critical Incident Team is convened to plan and implement an appropriate response.

Critical Incident Management Policy