Loreto Rumbek October 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from South Sudan

Thankfully the compound is beginning to be filled with the sounds of young voices again as our Primary and Secondary examination classes are back.

There is no talk of coronavirus in our community, we have escaped up to now but we continue to monitor. Malaria season is still with us but we are coming to the ends of the rains. The roads continue to remain flooded and impassable by vehicle, this has probably saved as travellers are uncommon in these months.

We continue to give thanks for your support and pray that your experience of coronavirus may ease on the weeks and months ahead,

Blessings and prayers from all of us in Loreto Rumbek

Thanks for your ongoing support,

From all of us in Loreto Rumbek


Please click the link below to view the Newsletter

Loreto Rumbek October Newsletter