Message from the Student Council – Virtual Spirit Week Schedule of Activities

Welcome to Virtual Spirit Week 2020! There will be lots of competitions and activities with prizes throughout the week so make sure you get involved. We are kicking off the week today with the activities below: 

  • Please ensure that you are following the Spirit Week Instagram page @loretothegreen_spiritweek for updates . 
  • We have set up a Gofundme Page for the Spirit Week Raffle in aid of the Capuchin Day Centre. Entries are €3 each and it is only open to Loreto on the Green staff and students. Prizes:  

1st place: 1 year Disney+ subscription* 

2nd place – €40 One4all digital voucher 

3rd place – €20 iTunes voucher utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 

  • The music committee are asking you to submit a video of you performing to their Instagram account @loretothegreenmusic or email it to for them to upload for everyone to enjoy. 
  •  We have created a Spirit FM playlist on Spotify: 
  • Everyone who submits entries to 3 or more of the activities/competitions during the week will be put into a draw to win a €40 One4all digital voucher so make sure you take part as much as you can! 

*subject to operational approval 

 We hope you are all well and that you enjoy the week! 

Student Council