Young Scientist – January 2014

Four projects represented Loreto College in the Young Scientist Exhibition in the RDS this year and all of the girls did a great job chatting to the judges and public alike, not to mention the media!  The girls had a great time and made lots of new friends and showed off some great scientific research.

from first year carried out an investigation into the pastimes of Dublin teenagers. With her 'Study of Blue'. Clodagh wished to find out what students do with their spare time and whether or not adults have a good appreciation for what teenagers actually spend their time on. Clodagh found that adults overestimate the amount of time teenagers spend watching TV and social networking and that adults actually spend a lot more time watching television than teenagers do!

n from second year investigated whether Mars Bars make a pony run faster. With the help of her sisters she compared the speed of her two galloping ponies over a series of trials and found that the Mars Bars did not have a positive effect on the speed of the ponies. Kate received great attention with a mention in the opening ceremony from the President plus a visit from the President together with various mentions in news articles and radio interviews!

Here are a number of Kate's media appearances


, also in second year, conducted a study into the advantages of being left handed and found left handers had better multi-tasking skills and are faster typists along with having a tendency towards being artistic and musical! There was a lovely photo of the two girls published in The Irish Independent:

(go to second picture).

project was a chemistry investigation comparing the solubility of various painkillers. They carried out a great study, developing their school SciFest project and did a wonderful job of presenting their findings.