The House System – Tag Rugby

The September House Event was an Inter House Tag Rugby Tournament which took place last Tuesday 29th September.  Each team consisted of a student representative from each class.
Once the rules were explained, the tournament got underway with plenty of enthusiasm.  It was super to see great House spirit from the sidelines!!  The Houses competed against each other with matches in the sportshall and on the astro turf pitch.

Well done to Ellen Mc Carville in 5M  who scored three tries.

The best try of the tournament went to Rhya Weafer in 4B who won ten house points.

The Bees, led by Becky Grehan in 6B, won best spirit and received twenty five house points.

Congratulations to the Macaws who were the overall winners and received fifty points.

Thank you to our two referees Aurelie Lemouzy from the Irish Rugby Board and Catherine Martin (past pupil) who kept every match running smoothly.

Also, well done to our newly appointed 6th Year House Committee who were full of great school spirit.  Long may the House spirit continue!!


Ms. Crinion