Whole School Inclusion Policy

Whole School Inclusion Policy

This policy is drawn up in the context of The Education Act (1998) and takes cognisance of The Equal Status Act (2000), The Equality Act (2004), The Education Welfare Act (2000), The Data Protection Acts (1988, 1998 and 2003) and, despite its non-ratification by law, many of the recommendations of the EPSEN Act (2004). One further publication has informed the content of this policy- “Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs-Post Primary Guidelines (Department of Education & Science (DES) Inspectorate: 2007) and “Exceptionally Able Students-Draft Guidelines for Teachers” (NCCA: 2007). Its principles stem from the Mission Statement of the Loreto Order which highlights the fact that “all students are cherished equally, in a spirit of inclusiveness and respect”  and that “excellence appropriate to each student is aspired to and encouraged” .  The Board of Management is charged with a special responsibility by the Loreto Education Trust to “ensure an appropriate education for each student” .  The school’s own mission statement emphasises the fact that “each student is challenged to realise her full potential”.

Whole School Inclusion Policy